Aladdin is an animated television series made by Walt Disney Television which aired from 1994 to 1995, based on the original 1992 feature Debuting simultaneously on Saturday morning and as part of the syndicated weekday Disney Afternoon, the show set a pattern for several future Disney series Many of the films' stars provided the voices of their TV counterparts with Dan Castellaneta fillingAladdin Commercial is much more than a collection of flooring products It is a comprehensive Mainstreet Commercial program built specifically to provide customers the right flooring solutions for any end use application From department stores to libraries, high schools to media rooms, Aladdin Commercial's solid portfolio of stylish productsAladdin 16oz Mason Cup, Set Of 4 Aladdin Ounce Insulated ToGo Tumbler Aladdin Ounce Classic Mason Tumbler, Green Aladdin 16 Ounce Reusable ToGo Cups, 5 Count Aladdin 16 Ounce Stainless Steel Chalk Fresh Mug DBL WALL DINER MUG16 INSUL MASON TRAV MUG Aladdin